After: 1971 Pontiac Trans Am

This Pontiac Trans Am came to us as a car that had hid a deer 30 years ago and then stored ever since. It has been a long rebuild but they could have never dreamed of a Trans Am like this back in 1971. Almost every part of the car has been vastly improved but the interior and exterior hide off the secret and maintain an original restored look.


CMC Restricted

This new Camaro Mustang Challenge build was just finished and is here for inspection and certification. The engine was making much more than the owner expected and the restrictor set wouldn’t bring it down to spec. After fashioning a custom restrictor this car is right on the mark and can be seen at NASA events very soon.


2012 Fisker Karma

Produced in Finland starting in 2011 the Fisker Karma has arguably been the best looking plug-in electric hybrid car for years. We had to drop the rear subframe on this one to fix a traction motor coolant leak. It will be getting several other upgrades in addition to needing one of the rear Nivomat, an automatic self contained load-leveling monotube damper, replaced.


Ford Mustang Boss 302S

Finishing up the preparations on the new Ford Mustang Boss 302S for it’s debut at the Kansas Speedway this weekend. The Boss 302S is one of four full race cars you can order at the parts counter from Ford Racing. They do not have VIN numbers and are not street legal. The other three race cars you can order are the Ford Mustang Boss 302R, Ford Mustang Cobra Jet, and Fiesta B-Spec.